Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tacos Are for Lupperfest

Carolyn left a reader comment that brings up a very good point. While it's true that the title of this blogging adventure is Tacos Are for Breakfast, I've already made a second important leap in logic in even beginning to write this blog that I need readers to make with me. That is this: breakfast is for dinner.

Dinner, or eating... just, whenever.

I'm a person who often gets completely absorbed in projects at work and forgets to eat, or waits to run to the bathroom until I'm on the verge of wetting my pants. There are no prescribed mealtimes. Meals are often taken after I've reached a point near delirium or become so irritable that no one wants to sit next to me anymore. Then they're taken and taken with gusto.

My friend Matt, when he was working as a full-time volunteer for over a year, adopted this style of eating out of necessity when three meals a day became too expensive. He likened it to a snake swallowing its prey in one go and then digesting it over a long period of time, in Matt's case, about 24-hours. He dubbed this single giant meal lupperfest.

There are few foods that are well suited for a lupperfest-style dining experience. They must be satisfying for hours afterwards, rich in protein, delicious enough to eat two-pounds of it, whatever it is. I find that the breakfast taco meets all of these requirements, perfect for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, supper, or lupperfest. There is, frankly, no time of the day or night when breakfast tacos are not appropriate dining. The taste of eggs is not affected by the hour of day in which they are served. It is not passé to eat them after 11:00AM in omelet, scramble, or taco form. If quiche is in the clear, so are tacos.

So, as I start deriving the standards for rating the restaurant tacos out there, I'd first like to establish a stiff demerit, say a 5-point deduction, for restaurants that stop serving breakfast after a certain hour of the day. Another 5-points off if that hour is before 11:00AM.

And 2-points off for nonsense like this:

Maybe there are really good reasons for an extra charge on tacos ordered after 12:00PM, but I can't for the life of me think of what they might be. In any case, until someone points them out, points off. Tacos are for always, so stand down your discriminatory additional charges.

1 comment:

  1. I think that Austin Voices needs to take a stand on a REAL issue - hiked taco prices after twelve!

    Start a black list of restaurants.
